Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just How Stupid Do You Think I AM???

Just got out of the grocery store. Heard this quiet voice saying "Ma'am?" (not a good way to get my attention). I looked up and a very scruffy man in perhaps his early 30's was standing there. "Could you please give me a ride to North Duke Street?" To my credit, I did not make a horrified face, nor did I explode with the "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!" that was echoing through my head. I told him that I was going in the opposite direction. For once, it actually was the truth -- but I would have said that either way. Right. Like I am going to let a stranger into my car to go Godonlyknows where!!
Last Saturday, I had another visit from an electric company. Since PA deregulated, the electric companies have been going as berzerk as the phone companies did when Ma Bell was broken up. Some man I had never seen before came to my door and demanded to see my electric bill. NO!!! You do NOT get to see my electric bill! I don't care HOW great a deal you think you can give me. How do I know what you will do with the information on that bill? He had an answer to all of my excuses not to produce my electric bill and let him do his thing -- I finally had to come out and tell him that I liked things the way they were and I was not interested. I did not, but wanted to, add "thank you. Go away."
Every now and then, a local drug rehab sends their inmates out to sell desserts door to door. NO! I am NOT buying food from people who are recovering drug addicts. I'm sorry, but I'm not THAT trusting. I will make a donation in my own time in my own way. Please don't give me food for it.
I think of myself as a Christian, but that does not mean that I am stupid about my own safety.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Old Art